Recommend - 2012.06 -
hiroki onodera Recommend
guitar pop (gonno rmx) / mandog
"room full of records" 12
rushograph ep / audio werner "minibar" 12
jc michigan ep / kryptic universe "lockertmatik" 12
untitled / xhin - perc "stroboscopic artefacts" 12
KUBOTA Recommend
aimlessness / dntel "pampa" 12
we transfer / jenz zimmermann "snork enterprises" 12
iceni strings / nathan fake "border community" 12
broken promise ep / synkro "apollo" 12
Recommend - 2012.05 -
hiroki onodera Recommend
kamm interpretations / pigon "lirum larum" 12
split structure ep / brian sanhaji & drumcell "clr" 12
rocket juice & the moon / rocket juice & the moon
"honest jon's" 12
scarlet pitch dreams / sven kacirek "pingipung" 12
KUBOTA Recommend
mod mixies / jonsson & alter "kontra musik" 12
etoile du midi / lawrence "dial" 12
in consequence of a wish / bubble club
"international feel" 12
tender abyss / seahawks "ocean moon" 12
Recommend - 2012.04 -
hiroki onodera Recommend
do you not feel loved? (juju & jordash rmx) / new build
"lanark" 12
feldgrau / aeromaschine "white rabbit music" 12
the realm e.p. / xhin "token" 12
geotope / sendai "time to express" 12
KUBOTA Recommend
jaquet ep / gabriele carasco meets acirne "amam" 12
if you so / cabin fever "rekids" 12
take you up / franck roger "circus company" 12
gross glop 3 / battles "warp" 12
Recommend - 2012.03 -
hiroki onodera Recommend
froth / joy orbison & boddika "sunklowun" 12
extensive forms ep / dachshund "highgrade" 12
the mollan sessions pt.1 / koss & minilogue
"mule electronic" 12
symeta / byetone "raster-noton" 11
KUBOTA Recommend
keep on / standard fair "joyfull family" 12
wallace / andhim "terminal m" 12
sleep tight / moomin "smallville" 12
true life/in flames / christian naujoks "dial" 12
Recommend - 2012.02 -
hiroki onodera Recommend
go back ep / antislash "salon" 12
reson / unknown "sex tags mania" 12
sweet / james washington "naked & ashamed" 12
sul meno / jorge savoretti "love letters from oslo" 12
KUBOTA Recommend
the slightly disturbed ep / darko esser "balans" 12
secret garden ep / paul ritch "puartz music" 12
slob / zoo brazil "sci + tec" 12
blues control & laraaji / frkwys vol8 "frkwys" 11
Recommend - 2012.01 -
hiroki onodera Recommend
it's the arps ep / todd terje "smalltown supersound" 12
turning back ep / sek "ama" 11
black phantom ep / a.mochi "figure" 12
ololoep / olololop "olololop" 12
KUBOTA Recommend
pharoah in the morning remixes / francis harris
"scissor & thread" 12
tijuana / gary beck "without any doubt" 11
on and on / raiders of the lost arp "curle" 11
darwin in bahia / young marco "esp institute" 11